Home Remedies to naturally grow your lost hair
Everyone wants to have too long luster hair. Genetics, hormonal changes, diet, stress, physical and mental health often influence the growth of hair. It affects both men and women but males are the worst sufferer.
The question arises that ” Can I grow hair on my bald area?
The very answer is ‘Yes’. You can definitely grow hair in the bald spot. Yeah, there are certain tips with natural remedies which can enhance your performance to have your hair on your bald spots.
How to fight hair loss problems?
Chemical hair care products harm your hair in the long run. Regular use and application of natural, organic hair care products are the only long term solution for your crowning glory.
Many companies offer a range of hair care products to prevent hair loss, increase hair growth and treat scalp infections and dandruff.
To regrow hair on your bald spot naturally, you can try out these following natural homemade tips:
Green tea: Put some green tea leaves in hot water. Let them soak in the water overnight. Strain the remaining water the next day. Rub this water onto your scalp. Rinse it off after 15 minutes.
Lemon: Make a powder by smashing 10 peppercorns and 20 lemon seeds. Mix this powder well with water and make a smooth paste. Apply it twice daily on the bald region.
Guava leaves: Boil some guava leaves until the solution gets completely dark. Let it cool by keeping it aside from the burner. Now, rinse the bald areas of the head with this solution.
All these treatments are fabulous. Just try them and you will see hair growing in the bald area. Check out these effective natural remedies to prevent baldness and hair loss.
Also, check the shampoo that you are using. If possible use mild shampoos or natural shampoos. that should not contain alcohol.
Apart from this if you are still suffering from hair loss issues and fear that it might bring you at the forefront of going bald. Consult a hair specialist or a doctor to find out any health-related issue underlying.